David Henry Students are always on the go. Students are expected to display our WHARE values inside and outside the classroom. We have lots of things happening at our school on different days.
(8:50- 9:15) Monday morning hui - This is where students are welcomed back after the weekend and we learn what the focus for the week is. Some examples: How to enter the office area quietly and respectfully, greeting visitors to our school, how to behave on the bus. Students are rewarded with tumeke tokens, house points and a wonderful feeling inside them for following our WHARE values.
Wednesday - Kiwican - We are a kiwican school. Each class have time with our Kiwican leaders Koni and Ange. Our leaders may teach such topics as: What makes a good leader?, showing resilience etc The lessons are full of energiser games and all students are encouraged to participate and make positive choices.
Fun Friday - From 1:30- 2:00pm is Whanau Time. This is where students are allowed to go into other classes, to mix and get to know the other staff members and children in our school. This helps to build positive relationships within our school. Teachers prepare different activities from: Sports, Board Games, Dress ups etc.
Fun Friday - 2:00-2:30pm This is when the whole school comes together to learn a variety of waiata. Children learn the meanings of the waiata we sing and when it is appropriate to sing those waiata. This term we will be learning songs for kapahaka with Whaea MJ.
Breakfast Club - every morning 8:15 - 8:35am. Children can go to the hall and have weetbix and fruit.
Brain Break: 11:20-11:30am. This is a quiet time, children can do yoga, drink milk, talk quietly or read quietly. This is just to give their brain a break from all the learning they have been doing in the morning blocks.
We are also a project energize school. Each class is expected to do 20 minutes of physical exercise every day.
We are a Duffy School. Children enjoy getting books and listening to Duffy role models talk about the importance of reading.
We have fruit in school.
Our classes open at 8:30am - children who arrive early wait in the Whanau room until the 8:30am bell goes for them to enter classrooms and prepare for day of learning ahead.
Come in and find out what is happening. There are always lots of exciting things to help reinforce learning!