Assessment and Reporting
The purpose of assessment at David Henry School is to improve student learning, to provide information on student learning and to contribute to the efficacy of learning programmes. Assessment is the ongoing process of gathering evidence for and of learning. This evidence will be used to give recognition and timely feedback to the learners and all other stakeholders. Assessment will reflect best practice that supports the learner and the teacher in the promotion of student achievement.
At David Henry School we believe assessment is integral to all teaching and learning. Our approach to assessment recognises the importance of assessing the process of learning as well as theproducts of learning.
The main aim of assessment at our school is to provide feedback on the learning process and the development of the various elements of learning such as the development of knowledge, skills, concepts, key competencies and values to inform further learning. Students and teachers are actively engaged in assessing the students’ progress as part of the development of their wider critical thinking and self-assessment skills.
The assessment component in the school’s curriculum can be subdivided into three closely related areas
Assessing – how we discover what the students know and have learned
Recording – how we collect and analyse data
Reporting – how we communicate information about assessment
REPORTING: how we communicate information about assessment
Reporting on assessment at David Henry School includes communicating what students know, understand and can do. Reporting involves whanau, students and teachers as partners and is honest, comprehensive and understandable to all parties and in line with the Ministry of Education’s guidelines.
Reporting to parents occurs through:
Ako Class Dojo Learning Portfolio
This provides a snapshot of your child’s learning in relation to various areas of learning, including the curriculum expectations in reading, writing and mathematics. Portfolios are online and parents can view children's learning online.
All Stars Afternoon (Goal Setting afternoon) - Term 1
This is a goal setting afternoon, in Term 1. This is where whanau can come in and share with their child, their learning goals.Parents hold a wealth of knowledge about their child, so this is an important time to share this information with the teacher. It is often too early in the year for the teacher to give detailed information about how well the student is working and to what extent they are reaching the goals set by the programme. They will however alert parents to how their child has settled into the class and if there are any areas that they have become aware of that may require further discussion at a later date.
Mid year Celebration Whanau Action Plan discussions - Term 2
Whanau come in and share portfolios and learn about their child's progress. Staff and Whanau will talk about next learning steps and goals and how children can be helped at home.
Student led conference - Term 4
Your child will be sharing with you the work they have completed through out the year. Together as whanau you should be celebrating the progress and success you child has made.