Our Whare Values
Educate Today for Tomorrow... Akona i tēnei rā mō apōpō ...
VISION STATEMENT: Educate today for tomorrow
Mission Statement: Inspiring and empowering tamariki to connect, achieve, grow, share and lead in an ever changing world.
Our WHARE values were chosen by our children, staff and school community in 2016. Our community thought these values would help us achieve in our learning and also help our school be a safe and happy place to come.
This is part of the Government initiative PB4L (Positive Behaviour for learning.) The values are very important and we believe by displaying these values we will be a school community that helps each other to connect, grow, think, achieve and be leaders for the future.
The walls and roof of the WHARE represent a house colour and each wall, roof side and floor has a value we believe will keep our children, safe and protected while learning together.
Whanaungatanga (Building positive relationships)
Honesty (I am true to others and myself )
Ako (I am a learner and a teacher)
Respect (I will treat others how I want to be treated)
Engaged in learning (I will set goals, reflect and ask questions about my learning)
Every Monday morning we have a PB4L assembly to welcome the children back from the weekend or holidays and to talk about our focus for the week eg Using our manners, looking after our environment, welcoming visitors.
Children are given Tumeke tokens and house points for displaying our values. The staff also praise, praise, praise our tamariki for making positive choices.
• I am proud of my achievements.
• I am a positive role model when representing David Henry School.
• I welcome visitors to our school.
• I am a reliable and trustworthy student.
• I speak and act honestly.
• I am responsible for my actions.
• I can share what I know to help others learn.
• I know I can learn in a group, with a buddy or by myself.
• I can talk confidently about my learning.
• I use my manners and speak kindly.
• I look after my things and our school environment.
• I think about others thoughts and feelings before I act.
• I respect my learning and the learning of others.
Engaged in learning
• I set goals for myself and know my next learning steps.
• I give my best effort.
• I reflect and think about what I can do better.
• I am a problem solver.