Our Tumuaki

Ms Placid

Nau mai, haere mai ki David Henry School. 

 Talofa, Ko Naima Placid toku ingoa, i whanau au ki Tokoroa.  Born and bred in Tokoroa,  I am honoured to be the Principal for David Henry School and give back to the amazing community I grew up in.  

David Henry is a place where the children are happy, the staff are fun and caring and work collaboratively to help your child reach their full potential.

 We have an outstanding, innovative, passionate and caring staff, who have unconditional AROHA for our students.

Within our learning environment we promote and facilitate our WHARE values.  We have high expectations in learning, achieving and behaviour because we are creating future leaders and outstanding global citizens.

Our responsive and inclusive curriculum is focused on our David Henry students, their culture, their whanau and community. We are a strengths focused school where we see the potential in our students and support and guide them to be their best.

I value building relationships with staff, children and their whanau and recognise that it is a privilege to work with them. I believe positive relationships contribute to an inclusive school culture where we can all celebrate in the success of our Tamariki.

We would love you to join our David Henry Whanau and be a part of our learning journey.

Nga mihi,

Naima Placid
